Medialab offers students a place to work on the 5th floor of the BC building, rooms BC526 & BC530.
Its staff can help facilitate set-ups for production and presentation of various media formats.
During office hours, Mon-Fri, 10-17h, medialab is available for support and advice.
+31 20 5882411
Jan Kees van Kampenjk@sandberg.nl yy sound, music, light, physical computing, creative coding, webradio (&streaming)
Ineke Bakkerineke.bakker@sandberg.nlyyy video montage - early bird sessions, coordination & organisation, daffodils
Ivo van Stiphoutivo@sandberg.nl yy camera and video tech, art installation, post production, video-art preservation
Brian McKennabrianski@sandberg.nl y video, audio, music production, analogue audiovisual electronics
Equipment can be booked at http://rentals.sandberg.nl. 
Students should bring an insurance policy paper to request access.
Renting is available on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.
Return  09:00 - 10:00
Pick-up 10:00 - 11:00		
Here is a pdf with booking instructions.
studio/workspace reservation
Two studios are available, a film- and a sound studio, the first visit is always supervised. 
You will get a small introduction on how to use the studio and its equipment.
For the film studio, this usualy happens on Wednesdays (ivo), and for the sound studio, this is on Mondays(jk) and Fridays(brian).
If you would like to get an introduction, just ask us.

Film studio hours
Wednesday 	09:00 - 21:00
Thursday  	09:00 - 21:00
book here

Sound studio hours
Monday      09:00 - 19:00
Tuesday     17:00 - 21:00
Friday      15:00 - 21:00
Saturday    10:00 - 14:00
book here

Editing room and workstations
Medialab maintains workstations and a separate av-editing room with Mac/PC, monitoring, and some additional hardware.
When necessary (pre-assesment, pre-graduation), room as well as workstations can be reserved (time-limited)